SILHOUETTE : Robinson Crusoe Island  

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Standing to a height of 740 metres, Silhouette is the third largest granitic island of the archipelago and lies some 30 kilometres from the north west coast of Mahé. 

Deriving its name from French Minister in the XVIII century : Etienne de Silhouette, the island has long been considered as a hide-out for the famous Hodoul pirate and its inhabitants are still convinced that there are still some hidden treasure buried somewhere in their island.
Standing to a height of 750 metres, Silhouette has managed to escape the ravages of deforestation which has sadly affected many islands of the Indian Ocean. The steep slopes, dense vegetation and difficult landing conditions have probably resulted in the higher levels of the forest remaining intact.

The island has no roads and no vehicles and its forest is the home of some very rare plants - ideal for hikers and those who wish to discover exceptional tropical forests and some traditional, creole houses.